There were many churches in the small town where I grew up. I am thankful that the one my family attended had the desire to help me understand why I am here, where I am going, and who God is. That church was instrumental in bringing me to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. I know that my place in heaven is secure. The clear teaching from the Bible and the fellowship of other Christians taught me how to grow in my life with God. What a joy it is to live for Christ and to have a relationship with Him!
Life is made up of relationships. Our desire is to take the Word of God and help people with relationships. Ultimately, the most important relationship is with God. Coming to Jesus not only settles your relationship with God after this life, but it begins a wonderful new life in God now.
Come and join us as we seek to teach and preach the Word of God at Grace Baptist Church. It is our desire to continue to help others know, worship, and serve Him.
Jason Cochran, Pastor
We at Grace believe that the most important aspect of any person’s life is their relationship to Jesus Christ. As an independent Baptist church we hold the Scriptures to be our sole authority for faith and practice.
Saved By Grace The first step in that relationship is salvation by grace through faith. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
Growing in Grace After salvation we are called to grow in the knowledge and love of our Saviour. The result of that growth will be evidenced by our manner of life. (Ephesians 2:10)
To the Glory of His Grace Ultimately, the person saved by grace and growing in grace will be bringing glory to God in all their activities and relationships. (Ephesians 1:6)
Through the preaching of the word, through fellowship, and through mutual discipleship, Grace Baptist Church seeks to come along side the Christian and assist in their growth in grace. As an Independent Baptist Church we have a high view of Scripture which serves as our guide to our Statement of Faith.

“But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.”
Acts 20:24
Pastor Jason Cochran has been at the Grace Baptist Church since June of 2002. Arriving first as an interim pastor, the Lord knit the hearts of pastor and congregation after several months of ministry.
He was born to Christian parents who surrounded him with the teaching and application of the Word of God. He received Christ as his Saviour at home at the age of six. When he was fifteen, he surrendered to the desire God had placed in his heart to preach the gospel and serve as a pastor. He finished his Bachelor of Arts in Bible from Northland Baptist Bible College in 1999 and then completed his Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies from Heart of America Seminary in Kansas City, Missouri in 2002. He earned a Doctorate of Ministry from Maranatha Baptist Seminary in 2023. He also currently instructs at the Emmanuel Baptist Bible Institute and serves on the Canadian board for Baptist World Mission.
Jason met his wife Amy in Bible college and married her in 2000. God has blessed them with four children – Katie, Josiah, Judah, and Kylie. Jason delights in spending time with his family. His favourite verse is Acts 20:24. He loves to see people fall in love with Jesus Christ through salvation, surrender, and service. He enjoys preaching, visiting, reading, playing board games, and playing hockey.

"And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works.”
Hebrews 10:24
Pastor Jacob Baldwin was a youth pastor for seven years before moving to Moncton and becoming the assistant pastor at Grace Baptist Church in 2017.
He was born in Saint John, New Brunswick into a Christian home. In a Sunday School class, at the age of six, he was burdened with the truth of his sinful state and need for a saviour. He accepted Christ as His Savior that same day and was baptized three years later. At the age of eighteen, he became burdened to serve the Lord as a pastor and shortly after committed his life to serving God in vocational ministry. He attended Emmanual Baptist Bible Institute in 2006 and graduated in 2010 with a diploma in Bible and Ministry. Jacob earned a Master of Arts in Biblical Counselling through Maranatha University in 2022.
Jacob met his wife Jenny in high school and married her in 2008. They have been blessed with six children – Ralph, Matthias, Eli, Julia, Ezra, and Peter. Jacob loves his family and thoroughly enjoys spending time with them. One of his favourite verses is Hebrews 10:24. Jacob has a passion to work with people and see them grow in the Lord. He enjoys preaching, teaching, counselling, woodworking, playing boardgames, and sports.
A Bible-believing church is to equip the believers for service through emphasis on the preaching and teaching of the Word from the pulpit as well as in all other ministries and activities of the church. Individual believers are also to emphasize personal reading, memorization of and meditation on the Word. Christians will be encouraged to study for themselves and to gain discernment in their examination of the Scriptures and in doctrine.
The church is also to edify by reminding believers of the Biblical purpose of the ministry and the Christian life and by encouraging them to edify one another through ministry and manner of life. A strong focus on building Scriptural families and friendships is necessary for a consistent Christian walk in their personal and public lives.
The Biblical church will have a passion for the lost and will lead believers in praying for the lost and in training them to evangelize through personal contact in every day situations and purposeful outreaches such as programs, meetings, meals or visitation. The goal is equipped and edified Christians who will have a Scriptural focus on the Great Commission–the preaching of the gospel and discipleship both at home and around the world–and who will give and go as missionaries to fulfill that purpose.
The body of believers will practice personal, practical and public worship to exalt their Lord and Saviour, not only during church services but also as part of their daily Christian walk.
The GBC youth group exists as a Word-driven, discipleship-oriented ministry designed to help parents in their pursuit to equip and to encourage their young people to grow in grace and to reach out with the Gospel of Christ to their peers.